Lubchenko Y.L. AFM to study of DNA and protein-DNA complexes |
Zivkovic J. Force spectroscopy on RNA systems |
Kasyanenko N.A. Exploration of DNA and bioactive compounds complex by atomic force microscopy |
Karpova O.V. Artificial virus-like particles, obtained on the basis of fitoviruses |
Kasyanenko N.A. Nanostructures based on DNA. Vectors and nanowires |
Afanasev A.E. Optical antennas and their investigation with atomic force microscopy |
Gallyamov M.O. Modern methods of hi-resolution microscopy in polymer science |
Rashkovich L.N. Atomic force microscopy and elementary acts of
crystallization process in solution (on the example of lisocyme crystal) |
Budnik O. Ion-implanted channels in carbon-based biosensor Maksimov G.V.
Using laser interference microscopy method for visualization of living
cells in vitro |
Krupenin V.A. Silicon nanowire based charge sensor |
Yaminsky I.V. Cantilevers based sensors |
Kurochkin I.N. Nanoanalytical and biosensor platforms for immunoanalysis and definition of ferments activity |
Yusipovich A.I. Laser interference microscopy for living cells visualization in vitro |
Turchaninov М.А. Particularities of crystallization of carbon melt on different facets of highly oriented graphite |
Obraztsova E.A. Atomic force microscopy of nanostructures on the example of graphene clusters |
Sinitsyna O.V. Probe microscopy and nanolithography of carbon materials |
Safenkova I.V. Investigation of the interaction of antibodies with plum pox virus with atomic force microscopy |
Filonov A.S. Realization of internet practicum on probe microscopy |
Luskinovich P.N. Calibration of atomic force and interference
microscopes in the whole nanometer range with subnanometer accuracy |
Makarova D.V. Testing of bioactivity of nanoparticles using computer phase interference microscopy in real time |
Krasikova A.V. Atomic force microscopy of lamp-brush chromosomes:
topography of the surface of RNP matrix of transcriptional units |
Dzubenko E.V. Exploration of normal and pathologic neurons cells |
Ilin E.A. High frequency cantilever resonator |
Menshikov E.A. High-speed atomic force microscopy |
Menshikova I.P. Investigation of nucleosome dynamics with AFM |
Fedyanin A.A. Lazer micro-tweezers in bionanoscopy |